1. Introduction
CreditPass is a third party Fraud Detection provider that can be accessed via the Nexi Payengine Platform.
Its system provides access to several credit information agencies/bureaus in Germany, to check credit-worthiness and account, personal and address details, etc.
The merchant can have several checks performed, based on specific criteria configured in his creditPass account.
Not all checks available at creditPass can be performed via the Nexi Payengine integration. It is only possible to run checks which are performed online. Nexi Payengine only acts as a technical gateway by forwarding data to creditPass in order to have it checked, and by returning the result of the check performed by creditPass to the Merchant. Nexi Payengine cannot be held liable for the result of the check performed by creditPass. |
In order to use creditPass via Nexi Payengine, you need to have the ELV payment method configured. The configuration cannot be done by yourself. We invite you to contact the Payengine Team in order to configure your account.
2. Technical integration
2.1 e-Commerce and DirectLink
The following fields should be sent with each transaction:
Field |
Max Length |
Description |
CIVILITY | 5 | Title (Frau, Fr., Herr, Hr.) |
ECOM_SHIPTO_DOB | 10 | Date of birth, in format dd/mm/yyyy |
ECOM_SHIPTO_POSTAL_STREET_LINE1 | 35 | Delivery address line 1 |
ECOM_SHIPTO_POSTAL_STREET_LINE2 | 35 | Delevery address line 2 |
ECOM_SHIPTO_POSTAL_STREET_NUMBER | 10 | Delivery street number |
ECOM_SHIPTO_POSTAL_NAME_FIRST | 10 | Delivery postal code |
ECOM_SHIPTO_POSTAL_CITY | 25 | Delivery city |
2 -letter ISO -3166-1 code (DE, BE, FR, etc.) |
ECOM_SHIPTO_COMPANY | 50 | Company |
More information about these fields can be found in your Nexi Payengine account. Just log in and go to: Support > Integration & user manuals > Technical guides > Parameter Cookbook.
WARNING: Do not forget to include these parameters in your SHA signature. For more information about SHA, please see our e-Commerce and/or DirectLink integration
2.2 e-Terminal
In the e-Terminal screen, various additional address fields are displayed. For creditPass validation, you only need to enter invoice address details.
2.3 Transaction feedback
A check with creditPass will result in a score, as well as a recommendation, which can have one of the following values:
creditPass recommendation |
0 : authorised |
1 : not authorised |
2 : check manual |
-1 : no answer |
If the transaction is considered to be fraudulent, it will be refused and have the status "2 - Refused"; the merchant cannot determine dynamic behaviour based on the score returned by creditPass. |
This information is contained in the Virtual Ticket provided by creditPass and integrated into the transaction details, in your Nexi Payengine account.
The time to activate a payment method depends on the following factors:
- It generally takes the acquirer or bank about a week to complete your affiliation. If you already have an affiliation, the activation takes a few days.
- Some payment methods require additional checks before they can be activated, e.g. in case of 3-D Secure, which is requested directly at VISA or MasterCard (and not at the acquirer).